This little blog right here, is simply an exploration of my own human 'design' and a means of trying to express its reason for being! I don't know about you, but I'm curious. Curious about trying, and seeing what happens. Each day is an opportunity to try and align ourselves with our own basic goodness. Every situation, person we meet, is our teacher, our guide to learning and becoming more aware of ourselves. The signposts pointing us toward fulfillment of our reason for being, are all out there. It's simply up to us whether we open our hearts to them. Only we can decide whether or not we try. But life ain't fun if you don't try, so seek, explore, and be eternally curious about the life you've obtained. Be your own adventurer and you will find, there really is 'bien raison d'être' - much reason for being.

Thursday, December 29, 2011


And if I laid down my dreams for you
Maybe you'd be impressed?
Maybe the act of this, would speak the enormity of that which these words cannot…
But then I'd be naked, undressed
And then what?

These dreams
Are the fabric that clothe my spirit
They colour me in
To strip them away would be a sin!

I shouldn't have to compromise my truth
To please the system
To 'fit in'

We shouldn't have to shut our curtains
Gloss over our flaws
And superficially shut all of the doors
To all of the ways
Of REALLY inviting each other in…

This isn't Pleasantville
The ying comes with the yang
So please! Disregard these fictional ideals
These unrealistic expectations
They're only contributing to a dissatisfied generation


Why not let's unpeel?
Back to the fruits of our existence
Whatever we're feeling

And with conviction.

To embrace all
Is to taste ALL
And to deny that which we dislike
Serves only, to fragment the whole
So let's SEE eachother
And see it ALL

And in doing so
Feel relief.

For I'd like to believe
That real love is made from a special weave
Woven from words unspoken
Rather than words said
Where we are the needles
And love is our thread.

Monday, December 26, 2011


And all this time
I had ignored my own depths
Looking outside
Through different windows
And wading in the shallows
Along another's shore...

My eyes were always on the island
Until I realised I was the water.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Tall Poppy Syndrome.

You like to label me
You like to package me
Tape down my optimism
My free speech
With your judgmental beliefs
Of what you think to be true

But the truth is
You're afraid of me
Because I'm different
Because in society's eyes
I'm a little unhinged

And this fear of yours
Is syringed
Through your snide comments to me
While you watch for me to weaken

But it won't happen.

You underestimate my silence
And still, I've not yet spoken
Nor will I bother
I'd rather save my energy for love

I realise I don't make sense to you
But I make sense to me
And so, no matter what you do
The foundation of this
Will ensure I am always free
From the likes of you
And to be as I am

And as the universe intended me to be.

And when you understand this for yourself
Understand it from your core
Then you too, can be...
And only then
Can we live in harmony.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

One Choice.

I have wondered
And I have wandered
Around this mind aimlessly
A landscape of ideas
For years
Swiping at thoughts
Collecting memories that weigh me down
And draw upon my face
The paths to a frown

When all this time
The searching
Was what needed to be found

A lifetime of looking up
When all I needed
Was my two feet on the ground

One step
Two step
Let me dance with you life

That's the only question you ever asked of me

The day I was born
You said quite simply:

Will you dance?

I remember now...

And so I forget my head
And feel only, my feet
And take my lead
From the heart.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Breaking Up With Self Doubt.

Your indecision
Helps me decide
Your uncertainty
Makes me certain
Of all the things
That are not
And all the things
That are.

I want this rock
To stop sinking my heart
Because hearts were made to float
And carry us to the sky
But right now
Mine is still anchored to your boat...

Cast out!
Free your sails!
This show has had its encore
The audience in your head
Has seen it all before
And so I take a bow
And move out of your shadow

For the sun is rising
And so, I'm no longer

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Feel it.

If you don't believe in yourself,
No one else will.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Are you holding yourself back?

Why, oh why, do we hold ourselves back?
Why do we place ourselves
Under our own attack?
...Sabotage our inner beauty
With the sword of doubt
Of thinking that we are without
When we have only ever existed within...

As one beautiful whole.

Why, oh why, do we avert our eyes?
Why do we own so many masks
What exactly are we trying to disguise?
What we all feel, is real
...And the love inside only gets tired
When it's not free to smile
And look deeply into another's eyes...


And nameless is this fear
That keeps us swallowing the words
That only hearts can hear
...But wish to speak
And be heard in this physical realm
If only, to give each other strength
When egos make us weak and try to cut us down...

No more!

No more of this, no more!
Running from my core
No more running from my truth

Let me string my life's sentences with pearls of meaning
Let me be fluid in life's flowing stream
Let me be conscious, while living out my dreams
Speaking without fear
And never looking away, for fear of being seen...

And in doing so
Let me be hurt a thousand times over
Smiling, as I dress my wounds with grace
For not having once looked over my shoulder
For staring life right in the face
For always having danced off the beaten track
For having fearlessly loved
And for not having once, held myself back.

Monday, October 10, 2011


You paint with sound
I paint with colour
It's the only way we know how
To try and understand eachother
To make sense of our footsteps

You speak of paths you've walked
I listen, I don't doubt
But you underestimate
My understanding
Of what this might be about

This thing we're living
It's one and the same
It's just been divided up
By numbers and names
Bodies and different ways
Of playing the game

But at the end of every day
We all stop and stand
To check the same human map
Etched on our hands

So paint with your sound
And I will paint with my colours
And one day we'll have found
An understanding


And a map that made sense
Of all our footsteps.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

What's possible?

Don't know the where and the how
I got here
But I'm here now
Don't know the where and the how
I'll get there
But the dream is now
And here
Is where it all happens
In the blink of an eye
I imagine
Everything I'd like to be
- What I'm yet to become
And so when I open up
I choose to see only, the possibilities.

For my dad (Open Doors).

Crisp, cold mornings
Blinking away the morning dew
We'd marvel at the cobwebs
Frost-woven and glistening
Along that country road
I'd follow you...

In wonder and awe
You showed me a magic
That made life feel like a thousand open doors

And warm Summer evenings
I remember a watering can
And words of encouragement
- The saplings needed our support
To become the mighty trees
We believed them to be,
And on the nights you couldn't make it
I'd still go down and whisper into their leaves
And to this day,
The trees are just as magic to me...

What a beautiful simplicity
You planted so early on in my heart
So, that many years on
When things got tough on my own
Deep down,
I always knew where to start...

- To return to the wonder and awe
You showed me a compassion
That continues to flower in my heart

And looking back
To when we'd run a thousand circles
'Round that track
...I was discovering my feet
The feeling of a louder heartbeat
And a trust in my steps
That would carry me through
But for those evenings
I was lucky enough to share all those steps with you...

Running high on wonder and awe
You showed me a joy
That permeates my being
To infuse each day with a purpose and a meaning
And a passion for living

...Because of all your giving
I am still standing here
In wonder and in awe
Still seeing the magic and the possibility
Of all that is yet to come
Because of all that has gone before
- Still standing here,
With your gifts that have been the keys
For a life that feels like a thousand open doors.

Beyond Driftwood.

When the noise of the mind clears
I'm exposed to all possibility
And all fears
I could turn and run
Or I could just explore
Go somewhere I've never been before
See what's behind the door
The one I've built up over time
...And too often I hide behind
Behind the debris
The adult experience tends to leave behind
- All this floating noise in the mind
Superfluous driftwood
Born of the ego
It lingers only on the surface
And we are fooled into thinking we need to hold on
On to the drama ...
To survive
When really, life begins at the depths
Of the heart

So take courage and let go,


Sink toward your center
Here lies your treasure
And what of your key?
- A pair of eyes
That can see
Past the debris of doubt and fear
And through to the possibility,
Once the noise of the mind clears.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


my passion will scare you
my loyalty will surprise you
my love will nurture you
my patience will never falter as I wait for you
yet my heart I fear, will never recover
as it breaks for you
while you take advantage of all these things
yet I will have no choice
but to love and fall again
for these are the treasures and burdens
that being a woman brings...

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Blind To See.

Love is free
Don't try to own it
Distill it
Or hone it...

It's the happiest you'll be
When you realise
The cage you've been hugging to your chest, is empty
When, blinded by the beauty of the moment
You finally set the bird inside, free.

Tree & Me.

Old Oak, old oak
What have you seen?
Old oak,
Underneath your cloak
Of sky and leaves
You inhale life
Breathe out
Then life inhales me
And I can only hope
To breathe out the same pure majesty
Of this life's ultimate simplicity
Distilled and bottled daily
In nature's own factory
By kinds like you,
Old Oak
- Here to teach me
What life is all about,
What it means to be free.

Standing Up.

Where do I stand
In this foreign land?

Anywhere I plant my feet
Will be the earth I keep
For growing a home
Around my heart
Who will open the door to greet

All the peoples I hope to meet
And help me over and under
Just where do I?
In this foreign land…

That Is How The Notes Fall.

Muted trumpets sound my sadness
While familiar guitars serenade my hope
As I travel on the wings of a song
To take me home
To be with you tonight 

From across the sea
Listen out for me
And I will land softly upon your ears
It will be so soft
Because that is how the notes fall
To wipe away your tears

And when they do
They’ll dance you into another realm
Where fear will never find you
And where the earthly body no longer binds you
To hospital beds
Tubes and meds

Here in the music, you are free
And while I’m away
It’s where you can find me
And you can take my hand
And dance with me
Because you are the music
The very music that made me
And so I sing to you
Our song

From across the sea
Listen out for me
And I will land softly upon your ears
It will be so soft
…You will see
Because that’s how the notes feel
Like feathers
These wings of a song
The one I’m flying on
Listen out now,
It won’t be long
Just one melodic flight
Until I’m home with you tonight.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Cause The Effect.

So what to do?
What to do with what's in my hands?
I see the lines I need to trace
And the one's I need to draw
They'll help me explore
What it's all for...

And is what I do
What I make
Of any worth
Or worthy of any grand fate?

Yes, if in faith, I work
Worth is what I'll create
But if the belief is empty
Then the picture fades
And any meaning, any worth
Will dissipate.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Let Go.

I know I know I know
Life is an endless process
Of letting go

Holding on

And letting go

My hands are an illusion
So why do I bother?
I'm fooled by the things I see
It's a false trip
A sensorship
That hides the truth
Behind these promises
The material realm makes to me
The promise of identity
Always, always
Calling me

If I latch on
Do you catch on?
...Nothing comes for free
Except the feeling
Of what it is to be
And know
The peace that comes with letting go

So let go

The pain of holding on
Will overthrow
Your soul
So loosen your grip
And let's slip

 Into the unknown.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

An Idea.

I have an idea
It fills me with fear
But I know it's right
Because I saw it fall from the sky tonight
What a fright
This sad night
I remembered I was alone
And not you
Not anyone
Can give me a home
Not like the one
I started to build
The day I was born
The one that takes a lifetime to build
Only to be torn
Down at the end
But down the end
Lies a glimpse of the memory
Of a true love
The one that got away
When we started looking
To mend what felt frayed
Oh but for a glimpse
A lifetime of searching
To find one day
One final day
That the very idea
You most feared
Was seeing your true potential
And having it revealed
And possibly, revered.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Happiness Is Shared.

If it's not shared
How will you know who really cared?
If it's not shared
How will you learn, how not to be scared?
If it's not shared
Love kept hidden will only be shed
In the tears
Of lovers
Of mothers
Of fathers
Of sisters
Of brothers

Who wish to call alone
Their home.