This little blog right here, is simply an exploration of my own human 'design' and a means of trying to express its reason for being! I don't know about you, but I'm curious. Curious about trying, and seeing what happens. Each day is an opportunity to try and align ourselves with our own basic goodness. Every situation, person we meet, is our teacher, our guide to learning and becoming more aware of ourselves. The signposts pointing us toward fulfillment of our reason for being, are all out there. It's simply up to us whether we open our hearts to them. Only we can decide whether or not we try. But life ain't fun if you don't try, so seek, explore, and be eternally curious about the life you've obtained. Be your own adventurer and you will find, there really is 'bien raison d'être' - much reason for being.

Thursday, December 29, 2011


And if I laid down my dreams for you
Maybe you'd be impressed?
Maybe the act of this, would speak the enormity of that which these words cannot…
But then I'd be naked, undressed
And then what?

These dreams
Are the fabric that clothe my spirit
They colour me in
To strip them away would be a sin!

I shouldn't have to compromise my truth
To please the system
To 'fit in'

We shouldn't have to shut our curtains
Gloss over our flaws
And superficially shut all of the doors
To all of the ways
Of REALLY inviting each other in…

This isn't Pleasantville
The ying comes with the yang
So please! Disregard these fictional ideals
These unrealistic expectations
They're only contributing to a dissatisfied generation


Why not let's unpeel?
Back to the fruits of our existence
Whatever we're feeling

And with conviction.

To embrace all
Is to taste ALL
And to deny that which we dislike
Serves only, to fragment the whole
So let's SEE eachother
And see it ALL

And in doing so
Feel relief.

For I'd like to believe
That real love is made from a special weave
Woven from words unspoken
Rather than words said
Where we are the needles
And love is our thread.

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