Often I take aim
And though I may miss my target
It's always in view
-Keeping me centered
On purpose,
On what is true...
At least, for me
You see,
What I do
Will always be different from,
And may make no sense to you
And it may render me, at times
Alone, in my quests
Still, I'll try my best
'Til the end
And 'til the end, my friend
Let's celebrate;
That, which makes no sense
While in our quest for the answers
We learn of the resonance
Of being
And of seeing
Our differences as unique
And each other,
As fearless freaks
-Of our own beautiful nature
And nurture,
May we always nurture,
Our attention to direction
-The compass in our chest
It always faces skyward
And knows what is best
-Knows where to take aim...
All the same,
We may miss our targets
But it's really just one big game
That we all play
But should play with all our hearts
From start,
To the finish
-Taking aim
And though I may never hit my targets,
It's the near-misses
-The detours
That help me see more clearly;
It's actually the aim,
That outweighs meeting the target
In this game...
Yet, it is with the target in view
That which, keeps me in tune
And reminds me of the journey
Back to center
Back to purpose
Back to what is intrinsic
And true.
This little blog right here, is simply an exploration of my own human 'design' and a means of trying to express its reason for being! I don't know about you, but I'm curious. Curious about trying, and seeing what happens. Each day is an opportunity to try and align ourselves with our own basic goodness. Every situation, person we meet, is our teacher, our guide to learning and becoming more aware of ourselves. The signposts pointing us toward fulfillment of our reason for being, are all out there. It's simply up to us whether we open our hearts to them. Only we can decide whether or not we try. But life ain't fun if you don't try, so seek, explore, and be eternally curious about the life you've obtained. Be your own adventurer and you will find, there really is 'bien raison d'être' - much reason for being.
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