This little blog right here, is simply an exploration of my own human 'design' and a means of trying to express its reason for being! I don't know about you, but I'm curious. Curious about trying, and seeing what happens. Each day is an opportunity to try and align ourselves with our own basic goodness. Every situation, person we meet, is our teacher, our guide to learning and becoming more aware of ourselves. The signposts pointing us toward fulfillment of our reason for being, are all out there. It's simply up to us whether we open our hearts to them. Only we can decide whether or not we try. But life ain't fun if you don't try, so seek, explore, and be eternally curious about the life you've obtained. Be your own adventurer and you will find, there really is 'bien raison d'être' - much reason for being.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Desire Weighs a Tonne.

Desire weighs a tonne
It steals my mind
From awareness
Clouds my heart
From spaciousness
Hides what I'm trying to seek
And for the price of what?
Just a temporary amusement
A temporary relief
That later leaves me weak
And renders me withdrawn
From the purpose
To which I was born
To fulfill

But you can't fill it up
Your hunger for purpose
Will leave you starving
The more you look outside
The further you are from finding
A cure for the empty
Ailed by a life
That has become a commodity...

Indeed we are all one and the same
But it is our individual truths
That cast infinite unique spins on life's game
That is, when we allow our hearts to roll the dice
And animate these tangible walking frames
Across the board
Across the world
Unique, yet one and the same

The light within shines for everyone
Behind the mist of our doubts
But we need to polish the windows
For it to shine out
Trust the life
And look inside
To see a new world
Without the weight of want and need
But with the lightness of a flame
Nurtured to become a fire
- A vehicle for warmth
Compassion and love, minus the desire.


Words would only drown
My buoyant heart

I'd rather sit here
In silence
Floating on a feeling

Since you sailed into view
This leg of my voyage
Has been inspired by you

You, like a cool breeze
Lifted my sails
- I breathe in
Floating on a feeling.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Nature.

Hey there nervous energy
I'm chasing you around
I've been trying to catch you
But now I've lost my feet
Lost my ground...

The nature is transient
But the soul stands still
The nature confuses me
While the soul just wants me to breathe in
And to feel

And I do
Sometimes I sense
Every inch
Of truth
Lying dormant in this volcanic being
That listens to too many opinions
And stops me from seeing...

The nature is transient
But the soul is eternal
The nature confuses me
While the soul just wants me to breathe in
And to be still

And when I am
I see the false from the real
I ask the question
And the answer, I don't think,
I feel.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

New Beginning.

Don't be reduced to tears
They won't reduce your fears
Cry if you must
But let it not rust
Let it not tarnish
The ounce of trust you need
To weigh up that life of yours
You'll need every bit of it
To help open new doors...

I'm on the edge
Of the abyss unknown
My bird here has flown
It's time to fall backwards
Trust life's arms will catch
They always do.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Wait Not, Want Not.

Don't wait
For your next step
Anticipate it
To be your last

Don't wait
For your next breath
Draw it in now
And make it your deepest yet

Don't wait
Don't hesitate
Move with life
Because life won't wait

Should you fall behind
Pick yourself up
And run
Toward your fate...

-It's never too late
To give your whole heart
But it will be if you wait.

Friday, April 16, 2010


Overcast, your spell is on me
It's days like these
I'm well at ease
The sky looks blue
Dressed in all that grey
But today it's just a blanket
For the sun's rays

For the sun she rests
Just shy of the clouds
She'll be back come Summer
Beaming her golden smile, proud
But right now
She only peeps
Now and then
From behind her Wintery sheets

Overcast, your spell is on me
Your daylight is soft
And tells the story
Of a moody and mysterious season
That rains at anytime
Without warning, without reason
It is as it is:
A darkness following the light
Of Summer
But making way for Spring
And it's step
Toward Summer again

There is no end
Only beginnings
Cast over and over:
The spell of the seasons

Cast your spell on me.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Surrender

We have to let go
To hold on to what is now
Let go of tomorrow
Let go of yesterday
And choose instead
To just be here today

Nothing outside this moment
And when I see this
I no longer resist
Changes, changing
Instead, I say 'yes'
- Only without speaking
Without blinking

It is in the stillness
Of the pause
I am one
- Unified with my life's cause
To one effect:
Breathing, breath
Guiding each present step
Into the now
With a loosening grip
Finger by finger
Releasing yesterday
And falling before tomorrow
To land firmly here today
Without lament
Eternally yours, I let go
And surrender to you, the moment.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Road Trip.

We're all on our own roads
We travel far
We travel wide
To open places
Hoping they will open new spaces
In our hearts

But the best parts
Are along the way
The pit stops we make
To check in with each other
Our fellow travelers...

Because sharing is refueling
We're not doing
All this alone
-These roads we are traveling
Will take us all back to the same home
But for now, it's a road trip
We best enjoy our journeys,
Windows down
To a destination unknown.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

So It Goes.

We each picked a song
From the garden of our memories
We lay on our backs
And looked up through the trees
And for the length of a song
I held your hand
I held on
Till you let go

And so this is how it goes
It can ebb and it can flow
But while it's there
You hold on
Till you must let go

And go, you did
And that song, I left on repeat
Day after day
Week after week
Until the song played you away
Until that day
For the length of a song
I stopped holding on
And I let you go

And so it is
South you flew
And this song
I always knew
Would one day end
I just wish it
Left me, with you
My friend.

Sunday, April 4, 2010


Today I got a glimpse of eternity
As I stared out to sea
The ripples on the water
Seemed to ripple straight through me
Overcast light
Cast its spell on me
And the force that animates this body
For a moment
Set me free
First, I escaped my mind
Then my body
And dissolved into the water
Losing all notion of time

And free.
Because everything always has
And is, as it should be.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

A Sense of Memory.

The scent of her perfume
And in an instance, everything was alright
- I was alone
But the fragrance took me home
Back to a place I knew as a child
The Autumn leaves were falling
And the weather was mild
Looking up
Below the surface of the trees
I drowned in the memory...

The sound of his music
And in an instance, everything was alright
- I was alone
But the music took me home
Back to the dance I knew as a child
I traced every beat
With my wild feet
They sunk the earth
And I drowned in the memory...


When the moon looks back at me
What does she see?

In her I see the light
From a distant home
- A place where my spirit once roamed
Before finding this skin
-An earthly form
To experience the human being...

Does she look back at you and me
And see a thousand tiny lights
- Her sons and daughters
Shining back, across her night?

I hope so.
Because her light gives me hope
And night after night
Reminds me of the wonder of life.